Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chicken Croquettes

Mrs. Curtis's Cook Book cira. 1908

Note: The recipe has "good" written in old script with a pencil in my book.

Chicken Croquettes.

1 1/2 cupfuls chopped chicken,
3/4 cupful chopped ham,
6 chopped mushrooms,
4 tablespoonfuls flour,
2 tablespoonfuls butter,
1 cupful chicken stock,
1 tablespoonful cream,
Pepper and salt,
1 teaspoonful lemon juice.

Put in a saucepan the flour and butter. Mix till the butter absorbs the flour, then add stock made from boiling up the bones of the chicken, and stir till it becomes a thick paste.

Add cream, pepper and salt enough to season, a little nutmeg and lemon juice.

Stir in the chopped chicken and mushrooms.And the ham

Mix well and turn on a plate to cool.

When cold, roll a tablespoonful of the mixture into an oblong shape, dip in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in hot fat.

-Margaret Bailey

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Almond Milk

The Century Cook Book cira 1894

Needed: Two ounces of sweet almonds, one-half ounce of bitter almonds, two ounces of loaf sugar, one tablespoonful of orange flower water, one pint of spring water.

Blanch the almonds and pound them with the sugar orange flower water, in a mortar, adding a few drops of water occasionally whilst pounding, to prevent too much oiliness.

When mixture looks creamy and smooth, pour it into a clean basin, add cold spring water, and stir it with a silver or thin wooden spoon.

Leave it for two hours, then strain and keep it either on ice or in a very cool place, as it is likely otherwise to turn sour.

Almond milk is served with an equal quantity of water.